Unfortunately everyday has 'been bad bra day', I think this is one of theeffects of pregnancy I am enjoying least, funny because I think its the
opposite for lots of women. I was more than happy with my allocated
boob size pre-pregnancy and now things are getting a bit ridiculous!
I joined up to the Mothercare mailing list the other day and an email
informing me of there 29% off sale for the 29th is the push I needed
to bite the bullet and rework my wardrobe in the bra department.
I see you clip and I would be lying if I didn't admit
I'm still a bit freaked out by you!LIZ X
Today's post is about flying when pregnant, (between week 20 & 24weeks)
I can only assume things get way more uncomfortable as the weeks tick by.
Luckily I had a doc app scheduled a few days before I left, the doctors advice was to:
-Wear flight socks (amazing can't believe I have never tried these before) my feet definitely thanked me for it after, I'm pretty sure I would not have been able to get my boots on at the end of the flight otherwise.
-Drink 4 liters of water!! This was a challenge but I took an empty one liter bottle and refilled it four times (ok maybe three and a half)
-Get up and walk around lots (the water made sure I didn't have a choice with this point)
My non medical advice is:
-Wear comfy clothes! Nothing tight unless its incredible stretchy!
-Don't drink anything fizzy & take the vego option, I have enough issues with a sore tummy
when flying, I don't need the extra bubbles in my now limited tummy space and meat is tough
to digest so I found the vego option is better.
-Pack snacks, I didn't' and wish I had, I was still hungry after meals and wanted something
(other than the potato chips on offer) to nibble on.
-Take lip balm and moisturizer, to keep dry skin at bay
-Last but not least, if you are traveling with a partner or friend get you travel agent to book your seats with a space in between eg. 27A and 27C, rarely will they ever put a person in between you and in that case you can ask the person to swap! It work for us and it was great to have the little bit of extra room.

Outfit requirements: Super comfort, loose slip with even looser t over
the top, boots had to be worn cause there the only pair of shoes
I took! Note the clips on my bag which made it great for converting
to one long strap and wearing across body.
I'm heading off tomorrow!! I did an apple themed manicure to get in the mood.
Its long been my dream to explore NYC and I always said I wanted to do this
pre-baby, so as soon a I found out I was pregnant I asked the doctor the best
time to travel (between 20 and 28 weeks), convinced my sister to come and booked
tickets! Beyond excited about hitting the shops and eating (for two of course)
my way around the city. Blog posts may be a bit few are far between over the
next three weeks but I promise I will be back!!